The House of Kane 

at The Berkley

1 August - 8 September.  Bocabar, Glastonbury

Their Voice by Sophie Long


Andrew Burns Colwill

Featured artists


More excellent artists

We also feature the work of more fabulous Bristol artists

The girl with the Smurf tatoo by Jimmer Willmott
The Lovers by Neil Roberts
Sugar Almond by Giles Barwick
Yoga by Mary Rouncefield
Walkies by Angus
Packman vs Banksy by DIFF
John Curtis
Emma Caton
Spots by Sophie Long
Spots by Sophie Long

Art Blog

I am also a keen blogger about art and artist in Bristol.  Please pop by and read my latest interviews with artists.

Coaching, Mentoring and Marketing

If you an artist or creative looking for marketing advice or coaching - pop by and see what I can do for you.

Irregular arts news

I plan to irregularly put together a newsletter about what is going on in the Bristol arts scene that you might not hear about anywhere else.  Check out my first newsletter and sign up.