Video snippet Sophie talks Ruffle My Feathers

THEIR VOICE an exhibiton by Sophie Long - 1 August - 8 September 2019

 ruffle my feathers

I had great fun today hanging Sophie's latest solo show with her with the fabulous help of Mel (thanks for the coffees) and Paul (thanks for the hanging).  So basically, yes I had coffee and everyone did the work.  The work looks fantastic at Bocabar - and some of the pieces clearly chose where they wanted to go.  The bold lion has gone centre stage with his younger cousin to his right, and the shyer bees quite comfortably round the corner with the wily leopard keeping an eager eye on the diners in the room.

Young Lion

Lion Rawr

Dying out and Leopard

I also got a few interviews with Sophie about the individual pieces of work.  They are a bit rough and ready round the edges (the videos not the work!! the work is awesome) but I hope you enjoy.  Here is Sophie talking about 'Ruffle My Feathers.'

All pieces are for sale and you can buy and take away!

Their Voice

Exhibition by Sophie Long

1 August - 8 September 2019

Mon 9am-4pm Tues-Thurs 9am-11pm, Fri&Sat 9am-1am, Sun 10am- 4.30pm.

The Red Brick Building, Morland Road, Glastonbury


Tel: 01458 440558

Meet the artist and Private View (all welcome)

Tuesday 3 September 6pm - 6.30 pm

Meet the artist continues in the bar till 8pm (ish)