Andrew Burns Colwill's Arctic Scream for this year's Upfest at The Coopers Arms
Following the much talked about street art mural 'Arctic Scream' at this year's Upfest Andrew Burns Colwill has placed five originals in local art friendly public house The Greenbank in Easton. Regulars, visitors and diners are treated to seven of his latest originals from his 20/50 Vision: Tomorrow's Habitat collection.

Allotment features Andrew's view of food production in 20/50. An apparantly idylic setting reveals watchtowers, shadowy figures and an AK47 on closer inspection. Of this painting he says 'If we do not invest in food production for everybody in the arid zones of our planet..... We could end up with private farming areas protected by private security forces.
Those who have land and money offering food for protection.....'

Food production and faming continue in his painting of Cows above 'If we continue to ignore the facts concerning emissions we will have more than our livestock getting wet hooves to worry about....'

Fish out of Water
In a more whimsical (but never the less poingant) note of his 'Fish out of Water' he writes: 'I knew a fish once who desperately wanted to be a bird
He spent all his time jumping after money to buy himself some pretty wings...
One day he jumped high and fast after some feathers floating by....
I haven’t seen my friend the fish since.'
Visitors are also treated to his two Heron paintings

Heron on Scrap

Heron on Engine
Of his Herons he writes 'One of the most magnificent of nature’s creatures. I hope that come the year 2050 our industrial technologies will have derived some elegant features and techniques from mother nature herself.' and continues 'Studying nature can nearly always show us the best way of achieving something, even if it is only how to breath and belch at the same time.'
Moving on to more environmental matters concering climate change we have his hearbreaking Polar Bears.

Polar Bears
He writes 'Should we be irresponsible enough to keep ignoring the facts and abusing our oceans, we will witness a second great extinction....
And it won’t only be polar bears.'
The final piece is 'Pawnbroker'

Of this urban scene he writes 'I think that in the west our insane craving for the material and money has got a little out of control....
Lets hope by 2050 our understanding of the balance between luxury and necessity has matured enough to allow a healthy comfortable future for our home and all it’s residents.'
Andrew's work will be at The Greenbank in Easton Bristol till 20 August 2017.