The Kane Gallery
On line Gallery run by Auntie G
Hi, I'm Gilli Kane (AKA Auntie G)
Welcome to my gallery, it is small and beautifully formed, started last year, and celebrates some of my favourite emerging artists in Bristol.
It started when the Shakespeare in Totterdown, Bristol, asked me to put on a six month exhibition of talented Bristol artists. I needed a platform to maximise sales for the artists (who were printing and framing the work that) I put forward - so The Kane Gallery was born. It has taken me a bit by surprise with a life of it's own. We had a majour sale of 19 or so prints to a interior designer in Australia, then I was asked to pull a rabit out of the hat for another exhibition in Bristol at short notice. We delivered 50+ pieces of work from twelve Bristol artists in four days. I'm so proud of us for making that happen. The 'us' there is the fantastic artists who got on board and brought work for us to hang. - Gratitude guys.
I'm also an art blogger for The Kane Gallery , so do click on the artist profiles, as I've had sit down interviews with many of them (and some even on video!!). What I want to do is make art accessible and also so you can get to know the artist. If I had a big physical room then you could meet them all but on my pages for my artists you get to read about the chats I've had with them about their work. It is worth a read. Not got around eveyone yet - and working on it!!!
My plans for The Kane Gallry are to feature emerging and established artists with work in Bristol and from a variety of styles from fine art to low brow, to pop surreal to street. It will be a delicious eclectic mix - reflecting the weath of talent we have in this creative city.
I also have a physical presence in Bristol at The Shakespeare in Totterdown with a lovely mix of originals and prints from my talented artists (The Home of Kane) as well as a fantastic selection of original art in my House of Kane exhibition in Berkeley Square Bristol (view by appointment) .
This little on line and pop up gallery has surprised me in the way it is growing. So if you are a Bristol venue (though we can go further) who is up for doing some joint promotional work (to get sales for my guys - I don't do free decoration for venues, my artists have a lot of costs in putting their work together for you) and you would love to have some of Bristol's finest art then get in touch.

I've worked in marketing for most of my working life particularly in the lesiure industry. I have also been a tranformational coach for many years and have taught executive coaching at post graduate level.
If you are a creative looking for marketing / promotional advice or someone to think things through with (coaching) have a look at how I can help.