New Collection of Andrew Burns Colwill's latest prints

The Scream

I am thrilled to be hosting Andrew's signed prints from his latest collection 20/50 Vision Tomorrow's Habitat.


About his powerful new collection Andrew says :

“The collection title, 20/50 Vision, is a play on the term 20/20 vision and how my life experience has given me a slightly warped perspective of the world.

20/50 vision for me has two aspects; firstly a point of view that sometimes makes people a little uncomfortable but offers a wider and alternative perspective to the norm, and secondly my interpretation of how we as a species may be faring socially and economically by the year 2050.”

The works in his new collection challenge our perception of how we will grow food and humans, our effect on the planet and how we will be fairing economically and operating socially by 2050.  Beautiful soak stained canvasses with hard hitting themes and being Burns Colwill there is a fair amount of dark humour thrown in too




You can next see Andrew live painting at Upfest this year in Bristol

Saturday 29 - Monday 31 July at the Coopers Arms.